Most people make New Years resolutions, but resolutions can be made any time of year, and are a great way to take control of your life and make self improvements. Maybe you have made a resolution to knit more, or to clear your knitting stash? Or perhaps you have never knitted before, and you have made a resolution to learn how. Most people are more likely to have made health and lifestyle resolutions, such as to stop smoking or to lose weight. But many will not have considered that taking up knitting can actually help to achieve those other resolutions! Most people who stop smoking find that they miss having a cigarette in their hands, but keeping your hands busy doing something like knitting can help to overcome this. Instead of having a cigarette, or grabbing a naughty snack, thinking “I’ll just do a few more rows…”, and concentrating on a tricky pattern, can help to keep your mind and your hands off the things that you want to stop doing. I found this myself a few years ago, when I successfully stopped smoking, and also found knitting helped me to lose weight too (although a considerable amount of exercise was also involved!).
And the best thing is, Whether or not you achieve your resolution to stop smoking or lose weight, you will have created some beautiful knitting of which you can feel very proud!